Februari Termanis :)
haih, kalau tak sebulan sekali hapdate blog nie mmg tak sah kan? mcm biasa myra menghilang lagi. maaflah, coz abaikan blog kesayangan myra ni.
baca balik title ---> Februari Termanis?
mesti korang ingat myra nak cakap pasal Valentine's Day kan? Tetttt! Salah, Salah! altho myra got someone special I don't celebrate Valentine's Day okay? huhu. okay, back to the story. Actually, baaaanyaaaak sgt perkara yang berlaku sepanjang bulan 2 ni. Regarding to internship of course. Dah masuk bulan 2 ni, myra start masuk department baru, that is Western Kitchen/ Hot Kitchen.
Guess what?
This is the most happening outlet ever. hehe, takde skali pun myra merana bila kerja kat outlet ni. tak macam kat Cold Kitchen and Malay Kitchen. The staffs themselves made myra rasa seronok sgt keje kat sini. The best part is, Abg As, the Sous Chef. Walaupun dy pegang post yg tinggi among the whole kitchen, he treats me really well and sometimes too well. tett! haha,
other than that, since ni department terakhir myra kat persada sebelum masuk Newsroom Cafe aka Coffee House myra pun extend lah kat sini. and Chef Hanafi, the Director of Culinary rajin yang amat sgt buat training kat kitorang. Hewhew, boleh kira kitorang ni antara trainee yang bertuah lah. mana taknya, Director of Culinary weyh ajar kitorang, kao hado? haha
Btw, ckp pasal Chef Hanafi ni, actually, he is the main reason why I choose Puteri Pacific Hotel. erkk? where's the connection? adaaa, sebenarnya, I've been to Puteri Pacific Hotel (formerly known as Puteri Pan Pacific) since I was a very young girl. my mom always organize her 'Prefects and Librarians Annual Dinner' here since she is a Media Teacher of my primary school. and according to her story, kalau dy nak tempah dinner, chef Hanafi yg masa tu Exec chef kat Restoran Selasih, just call him and he will approved. No need deposit. masa kita kecik dulu2 mana lah kenal dy yang mana kan. then, bila masuk sini bru tau dy dah jadi director of culinary dah.
for the first training, kitorang kena buat cost control menu engineering. pecah gak la kepala ni, dah siap tu, kena masak pulak. huhu. alhamdulillah, lepas jugak yang ni walaupun yg cost card tu masing2 blur tak faham.
I've decided to cook Grilled Lamb Chops with Cilantro Mint Sauce, Accompanied with Garlic and Rosemary mashed potato and Sweet Sour Vege.
haih, kalau tak sebulan sekali hapdate blog nie mmg tak sah kan? mcm biasa myra menghilang lagi. maaflah, coz abaikan blog kesayangan myra ni.
baca balik title ---> Februari Termanis?
mesti korang ingat myra nak cakap pasal Valentine's Day kan? Tetttt! Salah, Salah! altho myra got someone special I don't celebrate Valentine's Day okay? huhu. okay, back to the story. Actually, baaaanyaaaak sgt perkara yang berlaku sepanjang bulan 2 ni. Regarding to internship of course. Dah masuk bulan 2 ni, myra start masuk department baru, that is Western Kitchen/ Hot Kitchen.
Guess what?
This is the most happening outlet ever. hehe, takde skali pun myra merana bila kerja kat outlet ni. tak macam kat Cold Kitchen and Malay Kitchen. The staffs themselves made myra rasa seronok sgt keje kat sini. The best part is, Abg As, the Sous Chef. Walaupun dy pegang post yg tinggi among the whole kitchen, he treats me really well and sometimes too well. tett! haha,
other than that, since ni department terakhir myra kat persada sebelum masuk Newsroom Cafe aka Coffee House myra pun extend lah kat sini. and Chef Hanafi, the Director of Culinary rajin yang amat sgt buat training kat kitorang. Hewhew, boleh kira kitorang ni antara trainee yang bertuah lah. mana taknya, Director of Culinary weyh ajar kitorang, kao hado? haha
Btw, ckp pasal Chef Hanafi ni, actually, he is the main reason why I choose Puteri Pacific Hotel. erkk? where's the connection? adaaa, sebenarnya, I've been to Puteri Pacific Hotel (formerly known as Puteri Pan Pacific) since I was a very young girl. my mom always organize her 'Prefects and Librarians Annual Dinner' here since she is a Media Teacher of my primary school. and according to her story, kalau dy nak tempah dinner, chef Hanafi yg masa tu Exec chef kat Restoran Selasih, just call him and he will approved. No need deposit. masa kita kecik dulu2 mana lah kenal dy yang mana kan. then, bila masuk sini bru tau dy dah jadi director of culinary dah.
for the first training, kitorang kena buat cost control menu engineering. pecah gak la kepala ni, dah siap tu, kena masak pulak. huhu. alhamdulillah, lepas jugak yang ni walaupun yg cost card tu masing2 blur tak faham.
I've decided to cook Grilled Lamb Chops with Cilantro Mint Sauce, Accompanied with Garlic and Rosemary mashed potato and Sweet Sour Vege.
for presentation myra byk lagi kena improve. utk rasa, alhamdulillah, dpt positive comment.
The 2nd training aka food testing kitorang yang kedua pulak kitorang kena buat menu engineering jugak cuma kali ni Malay Full Set Menu. ahaa, masakan Melayu pulak. Mula2 kitorang ingat tak kena masak, so myra tulis je lah menu Melayu.
Colek Buah / Rojak Buah
Main Course
Ayam Berlada Lengkuas
Asam Pedas Ikan Pari Ala Johor
Bendi Goreng Kunyit
Lopes Gula Melaka
tiba, giliran masak myra, myra pun masak lah ikut apa yang yra dah tunjuk dgn chef hanafi. dah masak sungguh2 ni, sekali dy kena pegi OC (outside catering). Dy suruh myra simpan makanan dy dlm warmer je.
kesok gak hati ni, tapi nak buat camne. myra simpankan je lah utk dy.
walaupun dy tak mkn lagi, feedback dari staff2 yg mkn buat myra mcm excited . dorang kata myra masak sedap (alhamdulillah) smpai abg mie yang most of the time mcm show off pun puji. dy boleh ckp ngan kak mie apa tau, " rasa mcm nak kiss org jek, sebab masak sedap sgt" ahaha, I know he just kidding.
"kiss the cook, love the doc"
kak yati dari cold kitchen pulak ckp, "myra yang masak ea. patotlah sedap". :p
haha, myra senyum jek, takkan nak berlagak plak an. hihi.
sekali, esoknya chef Hanafi ckp dy nak myra masak balik semula. I was like, WHATTT?? dy suruh masak blek smula sbb dy mkn smlm dah lmbat. dy nak yang baru punya. eiiiiii, sakit pulak hati kita ni! Nak tak nak the next day myra kena masak semul, the same menu. ALAHAI! rasa mcm org yg dah lari pecut kena suruh lari balik semula. apalah malang nasib gue.
so esoknya, myra masak lah balik semula. the exact same menu.
Rojak Buah
![]() |
Ayam Berlada Lengkuas |
Asam Pedas Ikan Pari Ala Johor
Sayur Bendi Goreng Kunyit
Lopes Gula Melaka
and thennn, the comments again, about the colour. ngee, taste absolutely delicious. just kat rojak tkde colour yg terang2, mcm merah ke, kuning ke, oren ke.
for main course sepatutnya ada variation color, takdelah merah jek. lopes pun sama. ptut ltak pwarna sikit, bagi dy nmpak menyerlah. and myra guna car rebus, kalau nak lembut kena kukus. alaupun, kne kritik, dpt jugaklah myra tau kelemahan myra kat mana. hee
and the final food testing, myra dapat lamb lagi. hee. disebabkan food yg dh siap teros diserve, myra tak dpt lah nak tunjuk gmba2 mkanan yg myra serve. dpt amik dessert je. huu
Baked New Zealand Green Mussel with Mornay Sauce
Cream of Mushroom Soup
Main Course
Lamb Schnitzels served with Rosemary Sauce, William Potato and Vege Bundle.
Like seriously, I was having a really hard time regarding this matter. nak tau tak kenapa? sebab dahlah myra kena masak hari tu smpai 2 kali, sekali chef hanafi letak myra as the first contestant on the next monday. myra hampir give up kot. malam sebelum myra punya food testing tu, myra buat research smbil menangis.
Mana taknya, selain bawak nama UITM, chef hanafi tu kenal mak myra, kalau tak buat betol2, phm2 je lah mcm mana. bayangkan jelah, masa kena masak malay cuisine uh, chef smpai bgtau wife dy, dy nak rasa ASAM PEDAS IKAN PARI ALA JOHOR. choyy gila chef ni. smpai org rumah pun mau bgtau kaa? tu belom lagi, kalau nmpak myra, mesti dy ckp kuat2. aduiadui. tinggi betol expectation chef ni.
Arakian kisahnya, hari Isnin tu, 25 hb Februari, pagi2 lagi myra dah smpai kat hotel. Myra g pastry dlu, sebab nak siapkan Mango Panna Cotta. Turun2 kereta, dengan pakai seliparnya, myra terus masuk pastry. Alhamdulillah, lepas dah settle myra naik Persada buat mise-en-place yadayada berjaya jugak myra served hidangan myra tepat pukul 12.45 seperi yg chef nak.
comments from chef hanafi
comment from en sham
then, tibalah masa chef panggil myra masuk utk bgtau komen keseluruhan. as usual, myra mmg kena improve psl garnishing. tapi yang myra paling teruja sekali, chef cakap masakan myra SUPERB! >.<
mestilah myra eksaited, tekak chef hanafi ni susah nak puaskan tau. even staff dy sendiri pun.
smpai bila2 myra ingat apa yang dy komen.
"dari segi taste, I can give you excellent marks for the Superb food you serve from appetizer until dessert"
"I have no problem with your food because I can see you really take a good care of the taste"
"presentation need to be improved"
markah2 yang judge lain bagi pun not bad
Chef Razali : 75%
En Rajan: 80%
En Sham: 82%
Chef Hanafi : 85%
the moment yang paling best skali, bila markah yang chef hanafi bg kat myra lagi tinggi dri trainee2 yang lain. muehaha,
Alhdamdulillah, feedback bagus. first timer pulak tuh. tak sngka , I totally nailed it. Syukran, syukran.
I'm FREEEEE! hehe
esoknya, staff culinary and steward held an annual dinner. and the trainees are invited! hehe, disebabkan tak lama lagi kitorang nak habis dah, all of us, me, kak ija, kok and kak mie decided to join. myra and kok bole senang lenang lah , azab kitorang dah lepas. haha. btw, the annual dinner are soooo much fun!
others ex-trainee pun ada yg dtg. dpt mingle around dgn staff2 ni sbelum finish our internship here.
from left: me, kak ija n kak mie.
and it was really a fantastic night, melaram sakan kitorang. huhu, anyway, thanks to the staffs coz inviting us to the dinner. kitorang takkan lupa kenangan kitorang kat sini.
uhh, btw, nanty myra akan smbung lagi cerita myra dlm post myra lepas ni. stay tuned!