Adorable Cream Puff! Yummeh!
Assalamualaikum w.b.t ,
regards to my readers yang setia menatap my humble blog ni walaupun hanya menjadi silent readers. ah chewah, ayat macam dah jadi blog famous pulak. puihh!
dah lama kan myra tak share pasal resepi kat blog nehh? Soooo.. this time myra nak share resepi cream puff dgn my readers sbb senang je nak buat benda alah ni. Dan hasilnya? Sangat yummy! Anyway, kalau tak paham direct je tanya myra okay? winkwink ;)
First thing first, myra ajar cm ne nak buat dough dy or in gourmet terms choux paste (shu paste). Scroll~
Ingredients for Choux Paste
1/4 liter water
3# eggs
100gm margarine / butter
125gm soft flour/ tepung kek
A pinch of salt / garam (jangan banyak2 tau)
Tenperature oven 200 Celcius
Masa membakar : 20-25 minit
Anyway, myra nak pesan, sebelum korang nak start buat apa-apa jenis baking sekalipun, check dulu bahan2 korang thoroughly. apa yang ada, apa yang takde. kalau takde and korang nak tukar dgn bahan yang ada kat rumah , I suggest klau korang x yakin jgn lah buat. takut nanti tak jadi pulak sbb baking ni sgt2 fussy ye tuan-tuan , puan-puan..
1. Combine water, butter and salt in a heavy saucepan or kettle. Bring the mixture to a full, rolling boil. (mendidih sepenuhnya)
2. Remove pan from heat and all flour all at once, stir quickly.
3. Return pan to moderate heat (api sederhana besar) and stir vigorously until the dough forms a ball and pulls away (dough dah tak melekat kat dinding pan)
4. Spread the dough inside the bowl or tray. let it cool completely.
5. Add in the eggs a little at a time. wait until they are completely absorbed before adding more.
6. After that, put the dough inside piping bag with star nozel and pipe it on the baking pan like this.
Alright, now dough is completely done. so we move on to the custard filling.
The ingredients are
1/2 lire fresh milk
2# eggs
50gm custard powder
100gm castor sugar
1/8tsp vanilla essence
1. Beat eggs and vanilla essence with castor sugar together until no presence of sugar. add half of the milk and stir them.
2. whisk custard powder with the other half of milk then add them into the mixture of eggs u made previously. whisk to incorporate the ingredients.
3. strain the mixture then cook them on the stove. constantly stir to prevent the filling burnt (scorching)
4. once the cream set, turn off the stove and put small amount of butter on top of the cream in order to make them look presentable.
regards to my readers yang setia menatap my humble blog ni walaupun hanya menjadi silent readers. ah chewah, ayat macam dah jadi blog famous pulak. puihh!
dah lama kan myra tak share pasal resepi kat blog nehh? Soooo.. this time myra nak share resepi cream puff dgn my readers sbb senang je nak buat benda alah ni. Dan hasilnya? Sangat yummy! Anyway, kalau tak paham direct je tanya myra okay? winkwink ;)
First thing first, myra ajar cm ne nak buat dough dy or in gourmet terms choux paste (shu paste). Scroll~
Ingredients for Choux Paste
1/4 liter water
3# eggs
100gm margarine / butter
125gm soft flour/ tepung kek
A pinch of salt / garam (jangan banyak2 tau)
Tenperature oven 200 Celcius
Masa membakar : 20-25 minit
Anyway, myra nak pesan, sebelum korang nak start buat apa-apa jenis baking sekalipun, check dulu bahan2 korang thoroughly. apa yang ada, apa yang takde. kalau takde and korang nak tukar dgn bahan yang ada kat rumah , I suggest klau korang x yakin jgn lah buat. takut nanti tak jadi pulak sbb baking ni sgt2 fussy ye tuan-tuan , puan-puan..
1. Combine water, butter and salt in a heavy saucepan or kettle. Bring the mixture to a full, rolling boil. (mendidih sepenuhnya)
2. Remove pan from heat and all flour all at once, stir quickly.
3. Return pan to moderate heat (api sederhana besar) and stir vigorously until the dough forms a ball and pulls away (dough dah tak melekat kat dinding pan)
4. Spread the dough inside the bowl or tray. let it cool completely.
5. Add in the eggs a little at a time. wait until they are completely absorbed before adding more.
6. After that, put the dough inside piping bag with star nozel and pipe it on the baking pan like this.
or by doing Eclair shape
or Swan shape.
okay, after done piping the dough, sprinkle them with some water before baking them in the oven.
Alright, now dough is completely done. so we move on to the custard filling.
The ingredients are
1/2 lire fresh milk
2# eggs
50gm custard powder
100gm castor sugar
1/8tsp vanilla essence
1. Beat eggs and vanilla essence with castor sugar together until no presence of sugar. add half of the milk and stir them.
2. whisk custard powder with the other half of milk then add them into the mixture of eggs u made previously. whisk to incorporate the ingredients.
3. strain the mixture then cook them on the stove. constantly stir to prevent the filling burnt (scorching)
4. once the cream set, turn off the stove and put small amount of butter on top of the cream in order to make them look presentable.
Alright then, since filling and choux paste dah siap, now kte teruskan ke stage seterusnya.
1. cut the choux paste into half, and pipe in the cream.
boleh hias dgn buah-buahan if desire.
and you are done. ta-dahhhh! hehe
happy trying and good luck!
