Assalamualaikum lovers and haters,
oh ya, not to forget stalkers ^^
hari ni nak random talk sikit. and I would like to rambling about my passion :) semua org mesti ada passion kan, tak kira lah apa benda pun dia buat dalam hidup and of course I do. Bila sebut je pasal passion, one thing that came out is CULINARY ART.
I believe, tak ramai yang tau cerita macam mana myra boleh jatuh cinta dgn course ni. And ramai org yg mengenali myra dari zaman sekolah lagi agak terkejut dgn pilihan myra nak amik course ni. Mana taknya i'm a bright student from science stream (chemistry, physics, and biology yada-yada) but suddenly boleh pulak fall for this course.
To tell the truth, myra sebenarnya agak regret sebab teruskan ke science stream masa nak masuk form 4. Ye lah kan, masa tu kita tak nampak apa yang kita mampu dan minat sebenarnya. Yeap, the PASSION itself. belum datang masa tu. disebabkan I got a string of distinction masa PMR, I thought I could make it that way.
At that time, what I really want to be is a veterinarion because I really love cats.
and that changed when I was in form 4. tetiba rasa nak jadi paediatrician pulak. I was really excited and even and diligent girl that time until I broke up with Arin. I lost allmy willing to study. result drop , not like when I was in Form 3. When I was at form 5 pulak, things got worse. Masa tu dah tak fikir langsung nak study, I became a very social girl. skipping classes, cabut sekolah, hanging out kat City Square, tak buat kerja sekolah, tak attend kelas tambahan , fly hostel, seludup handphone and mcm2 lagi lah . and I really do hate math, physics and chemistry subject. On top of that, result SPM wasn't that bad that I've expected. agak impressive bagi orang yang tak study mcm myra nehh.
But to be specific I really into pastry rather that hot kitchen. lagi2 pulak my mom mcm support ngn apa yang myra buat ni. Sape tak seronok kan kalau parents appreciate apa yang kita boleh buat :)
so far ni lah masterpiece myra sejak masuk kelas pastry masa part 2. memang tak seberapa, hopefully one day myra boleh bukak kedai kek and confectioneries myra sendiri one day :) really wanna say thank you to my mom sebab siap belikan satu kotak khas nak letak barang2 pastry myra. malah dy gak spent duit utk belikan brg2 buat kek mcm cake stage yg pusing2 tuh, serrated knife , offset spatula dan semua brg2 yang kalau takde tak boleh la nak buat cake dgn perfect . thank you mom n dad ( benefactor utama ni)
oh ya, not to forget stalkers ^^
hari ni nak random talk sikit. and I would like to rambling about my passion :) semua org mesti ada passion kan, tak kira lah apa benda pun dia buat dalam hidup and of course I do. Bila sebut je pasal passion, one thing that came out is CULINARY ART.
I believe, tak ramai yang tau cerita macam mana myra boleh jatuh cinta dgn course ni. And ramai org yg mengenali myra dari zaman sekolah lagi agak terkejut dgn pilihan myra nak amik course ni. Mana taknya i'm a bright student from science stream (chemistry, physics, and biology yada-yada) but suddenly boleh pulak fall for this course.

At that time, what I really want to be is a veterinarion because I really love cats.

I'm really2 grateful then.
Sebelum dapat result lagi myra dah aim sebenarnya nak masuk culinary art. entah kenapa pulak tiba2 minat tu datang. and now I realized, sebenarnya dari kecik lagi myra dah minat benda ni.
There was someone, my mom's friend and jugak my lil bro guardian called Mama Midah. Dia amek tempahan buat cookies kat rumah dia sendiri. my mom memang selalu dtg sana to help and bila datang je mesti bau kuih yang sgt wangi semerbak. masa tu umur myra dalam darjah 3 kut, kadang2 seronok sangat sebab dapat tolong sapu egg wash kat tart nenas, letak prunes smbil curik2 makan. from that, senyap2 myra tanam azam nak jadi mcm mama one day.
alhamdulillah, finally I find the path. my passion.
this is it
eheh, sorry. yayang sesat :p
But to be specific I really into pastry rather that hot kitchen. lagi2 pulak my mom mcm support ngn apa yang myra buat ni. Sape tak seronok kan kalau parents appreciate apa yang kita boleh buat :)
butter cake for my mom's birthday
dan seronok buat benda yang kita seronok dan enjoy nak buat. sebab ada sesetangah org tu, apa yang dy buat dalam hidup bukan apa yang dia suka, bukan apa yang dia nak. tapi dia buat tu semata-mata nak satisfy orang lain.
birthday cake . my very first customer
macaroons. ditempah oleh cik najwa carlos
bread butter pudding with vanilla sauce
black forest cake
chocolate cheese butterscotch
(ditempah utk wedding cousin)
ni x siap lagi ;P
pinkish butter cake
(ditempah utk wedding cousin)
Chocolate Cheese Indulgence
(ditempah utk wedding cousin)
not finish lagi . hihi

so thats all for today. just sharing story to inspire my readers to achieve their dreams . hopefully takde yg misunderstanding, ingt myra ni nak show off or kejar glamor ke apa. myra jugak nak mintak korang doakan myra , semoga impian dan cita-cita myra akan tercapai satu hari nanty :) before i end up my entry, ni ada satu video yang myra rakam masa lecturer myra demo camne nak buat Black Forest Cake to share with all u.wassalam :)
