Kahwin Muda?
Assalamualaikum lovers and haters,
amacam tajuk? agak2 apa myra nak bualkan hari ni? Eheh, ttbe tajuk nak serius je kan. Ayyo, memang serius ni sbb it happens to me!
wait, bukan myra yang kawin muda ni. ahaks. actually, semalam masa tgh buat homework akaun tiba-tiba kawan satu sekolah Mohd Khalid ngan myra hantar chat. saje je berbual kosong dgn dy. tnye life dy mcm mana skang. Sambil bergurau-gurau tu sebut lah pasal boyfie dy. setahu myra, latest couple dy masa dy kerja part time dulu.
To my surprise, dy cakap mcm ni.
E : Mana ada pkwe, dah jadi hubby aku pun. Gambar kat cover photos tu lah baby aq.
I was like, DAFUQ? i'm about to laugh, thought that she was joking. But she's not! I can never imagine that someone in my age are married and have born a baby. Mcm nak nangis je rasa, bukan sebab apa, she was one of my best friend back then at MK. We've gone through a lot of thing together, those pain and hardships. and sedih bila dy kawin myra tak tau, then tau2 je dha ad baby. 3 bulan lagi pulak tu.
Thinking back what we have gone through dulu, I feel damn touched.
First time kenal, she was the biro keselamatan kat hostel kitorang. She is very pretty nice girl that made me thought that "mesti sombong minah ni. nama dah la nama artis" . Instead, she is a very friendly girl. Sayangnya, tak ramai org appreciate kebaikkan dy. Dy selalu suffer sebab friendship and love.
Masa form 2, she had problem with her dorm mates. i was in my dorm when my junior who came in hurry said "Kak Hanan, Kak Erra kejang! Dy nangis kat tangga" As fast as I could, I ran upstairs and found her crying heartily clutching to her legs. Myra peluk dy and soothes her but I guess I was late. tgn dy dah start kejang,sejuk . I couldn't do anything. terpaksa papah dy pegi bilik warden. Malam tu, tidur sebelah dy lepas urut tgn dy dengan minyak panas. Luckily, nothing happens to her.
Through out our secondary years at MK, jarang nampak dy bahagia dan lelaki2 yang kenal dy semuanya selalu kecewakan dy, just using her, and macam-macam lagilah. Dahlah, dy kehilangan mak dy dari darjah 5 lagi. Ada masalah broken family and macam-macam lagi. Luckily she is very bright student. result dy tak pernah mengecewakan.
Paling teruk masa dy couple dgn classmates dy. myra benci gila ngan mamat tuh, becoz I know his true colors. Tapi dy tak nak dengar, sbb dy percaya mamat tuh akan berubah bila dgn dia. and it happened, he did it. he broke her heart. and that time kejang tu dtg lg. and I'm the first one who realize that. nasib baik duduk sebelah dia masa tu. This time, she didn't end up at the warden room but at the ambulance and hospital. Sedih tgk dy terbaring tak sedar with all the wires masa accompany dy dlm ambulans.
But now, 1 and a half years went from our life. Suddenly I heard she is married now and have a 3 months baby. Truthfully, i'm happy for her. you deserve that erra.you deserve sincere love and care from him.
Please, tell ur hubby jaga family korang baik2 k?. aku sayang kw smpai bile2. Happy sgt bila kaw happy mcm ni. :)
wait, bukan myra yang kawin muda ni. ahaks. actually, semalam masa tgh buat homework akaun tiba-tiba kawan satu sekolah Mohd Khalid ngan myra hantar chat. saje je berbual kosong dgn dy. tnye life dy mcm mana skang. Sambil bergurau-gurau tu sebut lah pasal boyfie dy. setahu myra, latest couple dy masa dy kerja part time dulu.
To my surprise, dy cakap mcm ni.
E : Mana ada pkwe, dah jadi hubby aku pun. Gambar kat cover photos tu lah baby aq.
I was like, DAFUQ? i'm about to laugh, thought that she was joking. But she's not! I can never imagine that someone in my age are married and have born a baby. Mcm nak nangis je rasa, bukan sebab apa, she was one of my best friend back then at MK. We've gone through a lot of thing together, those pain and hardships. and sedih bila dy kawin myra tak tau, then tau2 je dha ad baby. 3 bulan lagi pulak tu.
Thinking back what we have gone through dulu, I feel damn touched.
First time kenal, she was the biro keselamatan kat hostel kitorang. She is very pretty nice girl that made me thought that "mesti sombong minah ni. nama dah la nama artis" . Instead, she is a very friendly girl. Sayangnya, tak ramai org appreciate kebaikkan dy. Dy selalu suffer sebab friendship and love.
Masa form 2, she had problem with her dorm mates. i was in my dorm when my junior who came in hurry said "Kak Hanan, Kak Erra kejang! Dy nangis kat tangga" As fast as I could, I ran upstairs and found her crying heartily clutching to her legs. Myra peluk dy and soothes her but I guess I was late. tgn dy dah start kejang,sejuk . I couldn't do anything. terpaksa papah dy pegi bilik warden. Malam tu, tidur sebelah dy lepas urut tgn dy dengan minyak panas. Luckily, nothing happens to her.
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zaman sekolah :) |
Through out our secondary years at MK, jarang nampak dy bahagia dan lelaki2 yang kenal dy semuanya selalu kecewakan dy, just using her, and macam-macam lagilah. Dahlah, dy kehilangan mak dy dari darjah 5 lagi. Ada masalah broken family and macam-macam lagi. Luckily she is very bright student. result dy tak pernah mengecewakan.
Paling teruk masa dy couple dgn classmates dy. myra benci gila ngan mamat tuh, becoz I know his true colors. Tapi dy tak nak dengar, sbb dy percaya mamat tuh akan berubah bila dgn dia. and it happened, he did it. he broke her heart. and that time kejang tu dtg lg. and I'm the first one who realize that. nasib baik duduk sebelah dia masa tu. This time, she didn't end up at the warden room but at the ambulance and hospital. Sedih tgk dy terbaring tak sedar with all the wires masa accompany dy dlm ambulans.
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dah jadi mak org dah kaw eraa :') |
But now, 1 and a half years went from our life. Suddenly I heard she is married now and have a 3 months baby. Truthfully, i'm happy for her. you deserve that erra.you deserve sincere love and care from him.
Please, tell ur hubby jaga family korang baik2 k?. aku sayang kw smpai bile2. Happy sgt bila kaw happy mcm ni. :)
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Mohd Zarrul Irfan. nanti auntie balik jb auntie jumpe zarrul ya? |
