What 2011 Has Put Its Stamp In My Life
Rasanya tak terlambat utk myra wish happy new Year kat readers blog myra ni. Hari ni myra nak buat Random Reminiscence of 2011 for my very own collection. :) So, lets scroll bebehh !
1. Entering PLKN Kem Semberong, Batu Pahat
2. Meet and know my bestie Eja there for the first time.
3. Jumpa balik my primary ex-schoolmate Irsyad and Azim Sanusi.
1. Jatuh Monkey rack. Kecederaan pada lutut masih bersisa sampai sekarang.
2. Kenal mereka. dan couple dgn due orang dalam hari yang sama. Amir dan Fiq. Duhh, teroknye!
1. Keluar dari PLKN.
2. Result SPM keluar. Bersyukur dengan keputusan 2A+ 2A 1A- 2B+ 1B 2C+ 1C walaupun tak study.
1. Kenal dgn Kechik Farid n had a relationship with him.
1. Beli my very own handphone.
3. Had a date two days in a row with him.
1. Result UPU keluar! Alhamdulillah, dapat masuk UiTM Dungun dalam course yang di idamkan
Diploma in Culinary Arts
2. I cut my hair at Plaza Pelangi (smpai sekarang belom potong lg)
3. Join Car Boot Sale for the first time with Airinn. :)
4. Entering UiTM Terengganu Kampus Dungun
5. Meet Muhammad Haikal bin Uzir (Benjy) for the first time coz sblum ny kenal dlm fon jek.
6. Broke up with Kechik.
7. Handphone Sony Erricson rosak. Beli Samsung C322 yang baru :)
1. My birthday jatuh pada hari saya demam panas yang terok!
2. Dapat gelaran nama Syrup
3. Kenal and started to join Mix Movement clan
4. My daddy me a new lappy :)
1. I lost my cookie monster purse because someone stole it.
2. Had a 'date' with Benjy :)
3. His family knew my existance and that's it. :(
4. Done our first Mix Movement Show at Pekan Budaya, Telok Lipat
5. That traumatic incident happened and he saved my life.
6. got bengkel tarian dgn Alam Wakaka Crew. Performed for Malam Dalam Hati Ada Taman.
1. Selalu lepak Kuantan for overnight with Benjy and his friends
2. Score highest for paper Retailing and Hospitality
1. My name is on the list of Kolej Duyung!
2. Done my Final Practical exam for Basic Western. Alhamdulillah, got good response from lecturer.
3. Miss Sharbana put me as her best student . I'm so glad and happy. Got two bars of chocolate from her too. My most beloved lecturer.
4. Carry mark result dah keluar. So happy dat I scored the highest for most of them.
1. Met Syafiq at Facebook. He proposed me. Hahah
1. Result Semester 1 dah keluar.
2. Pass my JPJ Test. Just 2 kali try okayy? Alhamdulillah.
3. Entering Semester 2. warkhh, dpt Kolej Duyung meyhh. dah lame mengidam nak duduk sini. hihi
4. Broke up. Sape leh thn perangai mamat yg tak reti appreciate awek sndiri.
That's what the some kinda big events that happened in my life among this 2011 year. I'm so grateful that I spend it wisely and also achieved lotsa great improvement and achievement back there. Hope 2012 will be an another awesome and blissful year for me. Insya Allah. Amin :)
Rasanya tak terlambat utk myra wish happy new Year kat readers blog myra ni. Hari ni myra nak buat Random Reminiscence of 2011 for my very own collection. :) So, lets scroll bebehh !
1. Entering PLKN Kem Semberong, Batu Pahat
2. Meet and know my bestie Eja there for the first time.
3. Jumpa balik my primary ex-schoolmate Irsyad and Azim Sanusi.
1. Jatuh Monkey rack. Kecederaan pada lutut masih bersisa sampai sekarang.
2. Kenal mereka. dan couple dgn due orang dalam hari yang sama. Amir dan Fiq. Duhh, teroknye!
1. Keluar dari PLKN.
2. Result SPM keluar. Bersyukur dengan keputusan 2A+ 2A 1A- 2B+ 1B 2C+ 1C walaupun tak study.
1. Kenal dgn Kechik Farid n had a relationship with him.
1. Beli my very own handphone.
3. Had a date two days in a row with him.
1. Result UPU keluar! Alhamdulillah, dapat masuk UiTM Dungun dalam course yang di idamkan
Diploma in Culinary Arts
2. I cut my hair at Plaza Pelangi (smpai sekarang belom potong lg)
3. Join Car Boot Sale for the first time with Airinn. :)
4. Entering UiTM Terengganu Kampus Dungun
5. Meet Muhammad Haikal bin Uzir (Benjy) for the first time coz sblum ny kenal dlm fon jek.
6. Broke up with Kechik.
7. Handphone Sony Erricson rosak. Beli Samsung C322 yang baru :)
1. My birthday jatuh pada hari saya demam panas yang terok!
2. Dapat gelaran nama Syrup
3. Kenal and started to join Mix Movement clan
4. My daddy me a new lappy :)
1. I lost my cookie monster purse because someone stole it.
2. Had a 'date' with Benjy :)
3. His family knew my existance and that's it. :(
4. Done our first Mix Movement Show at Pekan Budaya, Telok Lipat
5. That traumatic incident happened and he saved my life.
6. got bengkel tarian dgn Alam Wakaka Crew. Performed for Malam Dalam Hati Ada Taman.
1. Selalu lepak Kuantan for overnight with Benjy and his friends
2. Score highest for paper Retailing and Hospitality
1. My name is on the list of Kolej Duyung!
2. Done my Final Practical exam for Basic Western. Alhamdulillah, got good response from lecturer.
3. Miss Sharbana put me as her best student . I'm so glad and happy. Got two bars of chocolate from her too. My most beloved lecturer.
4. Carry mark result dah keluar. So happy dat I scored the highest for most of them.
1. Met Syafiq at Facebook. He proposed me. Hahah
1. Result Semester 1 dah keluar.
2. Pass my JPJ Test. Just 2 kali try okayy? Alhamdulillah.
3. Entering Semester 2. warkhh, dpt Kolej Duyung meyhh. dah lame mengidam nak duduk sini. hihi
4. Broke up. Sape leh thn perangai mamat yg tak reti appreciate awek sndiri.
That's what the some kinda big events that happened in my life among this 2011 year. I'm so grateful that I spend it wisely and also achieved lotsa great improvement and achievement back there. Hope 2012 will be an another awesome and blissful year for me. Insya Allah. Amin :)
