Konsert Sonansi Harmoni Gitar feat My Little Memory About Guitar


alhamdulillah, akhirnya tamat lah lagi satu benda yg selama ni dok bersarang dalam pale otak ni, Konsert Finale Sonansi Harmoni Gitaris. Sebelum ni,seluruh warga UiTM dah diuar-uarkan dgn Pencarian 100 gitaris

disebabkan myra ni mmg jenis yg suka mencabar kemampuan diri, I do challenge myself to enter this. serius, tak pkir lain dah. just fikir maybe ni platform myra utk belajar lagi pasal gitar. Serius dowh, tak de la reti sgt main gitar nyy but sebab nak sgt belajar n mahir main gitar I do enter this. 

Myra pernah cerita kat blog ni dulu, masa zaman sekolah menengah myra ade mintak tolong dgn classmates utk ajar myra main gitar. respect gle ngan dorang sbb dorang leh men gitar dgn sgt baik. siap ad band lg. But ta sangka, bila dah pandai tu, dorang pandang rendah dgn myra yg nak belajar ni. Paling takleh terima, myra hulur gitar myra kat dorang, pas tu dorang pulang balik gitar tu kat myra dgn disengaja 'salah tune kan'.

Mane lah kite tau kan bende tu tune dah tunggang terbalik. =='
Mase tu pak cik Hutan Bandar tu dh tego dah, " Eh, gitar awk ni salah tune nehh' tapi sbb percaya kan dorang, Myra tak percaya ape pak cik tu ckp. sampailah ayah sendiri yang tegur. barulah myra perasan. sakit gila ati mse tu. smpai gila an ati dorang. puas gile hati an bahan aku? 

But, seriyesly. bila masuk sini semuanya berubah. dats a good thing about Terengganu . a good thing about UiTM Dungun. Kat sini orang sume tak lokek ilmu, tak sombong, tak dengki-mendengki, and I really noticed plus appreciate dat.

why do I say that? sbb dalam team myra mmg semua pandai main, semua terer2, otai2 bab gitar. my seniors laa tapi. (tak siasat lak umur brape. HAHA) and dalam my group ad 3 org pompuan including me. due2 ny kira terer ah main esp Tiko sbb dy attend class (ohh, how I wish I could enter one too!)  However, ade sorang senior nyy, terer tak yah cakap ah, but dy willing utk ajar myra satu2 dengan penuh sabarnye, dgn ikhlas nya. ( I can feel tht he is sincere weyh) Alhamdulillah, maybe sbb myra ni pun jenis cepat pick-up and dy pulak mengajar dgn ikhlas I successfully learned tht. From nothing to something.

Sayang gila takde org rakam. T_T Apaper pun, malam ny tetap mlm yg atterbaik! bak kate Arin. hihi
konsert yang baru je berlangsung tadi was just the greatest moment I ever had in my life. Bayangkan lah, mule2 attend bnde tu I just can't pluck or strum anything tht can be listened and noted as music. But tadi, sebelum perform, kitorang bwk lagu kitorang Paramore - The Only Exception and Lenka - Trouble is A Friend and they are so perfect! Amazingly , I can play along, without mimicking or anything. Damn, that's just darn awesome. I wish all of you were there to watch and listen to us playing the songs.

Neway, there's some pic for u to see :) 

me hugging my beloved guitar. :)

me and the-taller-than-me Dhuan

me and Along. sgt terrer ouhh dy men gitar .

Myrara dan mamat2 hensem yg tinggi mcm galah.
*how come me bole jd sgt comel kat tgh2 tuwh? haha

snapped by Amirah Husna before performing. hihi

My group. chiss, sy blakang Fiza yg menyanyi kt dpn tuhh.

Photography session with all 60 guitarists

groupmates Dhuan.
*aww, hensem. >.<
sorry, i'm just admiring God's creation.ahaha

Peaceeeee (Y)

Noooo, I can't accept the fact that I'm the *cutest!

Skatila and Chief dan anak-anak team . *Mira audiens tauu!
Oklah guys, dats all fer now. assalamualaikum :)


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