Buat si Dia,
Dear my dearie bloggie,
Yes I know, blog nehh tempat yg agak public utk myra coretkan about my private life. But, hell yeah, who cares right?This is my very own blog anyway. Lately, my heart keeps aching everything I think of him. Yes, its you. Maybe you are reading this. god, if u are here, please.keep reading. This one is for you.
yes Benjy,
the truth is, Benjy da byk sgt berubah. to be compared to the first time we knew that we are in the same campus. I don't know what makes you into this. and surely dd don't wanna blame anyone. but , I hate the selfish you. oh, maybe dd yang sala. Benjy tak selfish. It just dd dah tak penting lg in your life rite?
That night, dd rse terkilan sgt2. Again, person who I love the most tak appreciate ap yg dd buad. you know what kan? tak paya lha dd nak mention kat sini. I cried to the utmost. Terkilan. sgt2. tak cukup parents buad cm nehh. then you. But, Bnjy promised utk berubah. dan mintak dd bg Benjy peluang. I did. and I believe it has been so many times, dd gave you opportunities. Still, bnjy wasted 'em. I did ask bnjy to let me go, tp bnjy yg tak nak kn? Then, nape sia2kn peluang yg dd bg?
it hurts. damn, it hurts. no one know. and benjy takkan phm, what do dd feel. do bnjy even know why dd always mad at u? and last night, I cried again. It was really painful. God, I wish I don't have my heart. It's aching badly. what else I can do? no way, I'm not goin to call or text u anymore.
Put a fullstop to this please? at least, I will endure this till we go back for Raya holiday, since I will be goin back with you. then, we are done. can't we?
I missed u. and now I'm not goin to miss you. I will be strong without u. Benjy, let me go. or let ur selfishness go. Bye
Yes I know, blog nehh tempat yg agak public utk myra coretkan about my private life. But, hell yeah, who cares right?This is my very own blog anyway. Lately, my heart keeps aching everything I think of him. Yes, its you. Maybe you are reading this. god, if u are here, please.keep reading. This one is for you.
yes Benjy,
the truth is, Benjy da byk sgt berubah. to be compared to the first time we knew that we are in the same campus. I don't know what makes you into this. and surely dd don't wanna blame anyone. but , I hate the selfish you. oh, maybe dd yang sala. Benjy tak selfish. It just dd dah tak penting lg in your life rite?
That night, dd rse terkilan sgt2. Again, person who I love the most tak appreciate ap yg dd buad. you know what kan? tak paya lha dd nak mention kat sini. I cried to the utmost. Terkilan. sgt2. tak cukup parents buad cm nehh. then you. But, Bnjy promised utk berubah. dan mintak dd bg Benjy peluang. I did. and I believe it has been so many times, dd gave you opportunities. Still, bnjy wasted 'em. I did ask bnjy to let me go, tp bnjy yg tak nak kn? Then, nape sia2kn peluang yg dd bg?
it hurts. damn, it hurts. no one know. and benjy takkan phm, what do dd feel. do bnjy even know why dd always mad at u? and last night, I cried again. It was really painful. God, I wish I don't have my heart. It's aching badly. what else I can do? no way, I'm not goin to call or text u anymore.
Put a fullstop to this please? at least, I will endure this till we go back for Raya holiday, since I will be goin back with you. then, we are done. can't we?
I missed u. and now I'm not goin to miss you. I will be strong without u. Benjy, let me go. or let ur selfishness go. Bye
