At least, there are good news :)
Salam peepers,
Ahhhhhhhh! Agak gross statement itu ye cik myrara! Hee, now I believe Hlovate's quote Verily After Each Difficulty There's A Relief. This time myra ade berita baekk punye! Hehe. Ari Rabu lepas myra dapat result utk Retailing test, which subjek yg paling tidak disukai. AHAHA. Jengjengjengjengg!! Akhirnya , tiba jugak giliran myra amik kertas myra. OMO! I got 86 over 100. Kyaa! To add the surprise, I'm the highest scorer in da clas. Alhamdulillah! Rezeki kan? wee~
Sehari pun berlalu, esoknye pulak tiba membuka tirainye, agak letih sebab puasa da start kan? Masuk hari yang ke-4. and my second gud news is when dapat pulak result utk Hospitality. My result is 43 and half over 50. Again, I am the highest in class. I was in the cloud nine but for sure i didn't show them.I was kinda afraid that everyone will give high expectation towards me. nee, don't do that guys!
Hee, alright, that's all for today. Later I will tell something more interesting :)
Ahhhhhhhh! Agak gross statement itu ye cik myrara! Hee, now I believe Hlovate's quote Verily After Each Difficulty There's A Relief. This time myra ade berita baekk punye! Hehe. Ari Rabu lepas myra dapat result utk Retailing test, which subjek yg paling tidak disukai. AHAHA. Jengjengjengjengg!! Akhirnya , tiba jugak giliran myra amik kertas myra. OMO! I got 86 over 100. Kyaa! To add the surprise, I'm the highest scorer in da clas. Alhamdulillah! Rezeki kan? wee~
Sehari pun berlalu, esoknye pulak tiba membuka tirainye, agak letih sebab puasa da start kan? Masuk hari yang ke-4. and my second gud news is when dapat pulak result utk Hospitality. My result is 43 and half over 50. Again, I am the highest in class. I was in the cloud nine but for sure i didn't show them.I was kinda afraid that everyone will give high expectation towards me. nee, don't do that guys!
Hee, alright, that's all for today. Later I will tell something more interesting :)
