My Campus Life
Dearie readers,
so far it almost a month I've been here. Seriously, byk sgt duit nak kne pakai kat sini. law lump sum sume dalam seribu lebih gak laa. Kesian sgt kat my dad asyik masukkn duit je dlm akaun myra,
t sambug lg k? nnti myra update lagy sbb banyaaaaak sgt myra na cecite neyy. uke tataaa
Dearie readers,
Hari ni myra nak cer cer byk sikit. I'm talkative? you can get
lost if u dislike me.
today is 17 June 2011 and it almost reach 21 May that completes 1 moth i'm here :)
Ta sngke gile, pejam celik pejam celik dah sebulan daa. haha. byk sgt cite yg myra nak cecite cekongsi nan korang sume. HAHA
so far it almost a month I've been here. Seriously, byk sgt duit nak kne pakai kat sini. law lump sum sume dalam seribu lebih gak laa. Kesian sgt kat my dad asyik masukkn duit je dlm akaun myra,
Ohh, one of my lecturer said DCA (diploma in Culinary Arts) is one of the most expensive course! Oh God!
btw, wifout notebook my life is kinda HORRIBLE!. Desperately looking here and there, seeking for someone who kindly wills to lend me thier lappy or stucking for several hours at the cyber cafe. DUHH!
KITCHEN is the most interesting part , ohh, exciting and enthusiastic for sure! Why is dat so? Certainly, that's becoz we are going to COOK laa! Hee, my latest class I learn about making Americans and Continental breakfast. while the last two weeks I learnt to cut vegetables into several particular patterns. And there were lotsa French name!
this is brunoise cut which actually pronounced as Brunua
Bouqet Garni
Mirepoix which actually sounds mirepua
Plus, myra dpt nama baru taw dri lecturer myra. hehe I was called SYRUP! Yes Syrup! hehe
Hee, my kitchen lecturer Sir Bob likes to give name to his student so that its easier for him to memorize his student name. and because of my Myrara name was called Syrup and now my other friends are started to call me that.
okehht sambug lg k? nnti myra update lagy sbb banyaaaaak sgt myra na cecite neyy. uke tataaa

Hehe, mmg best :)