Resipi : Strawberry and Vanilla Cheesecake
heyya there!
Aha, entah kenapa hari ni nak blog pasal resipi jeh. hehe. padahal ngah puasa ganti tuhh. ehehe . Okelah, sebelum2 nehh myra byk post entry pasal how to make cookies kan? Kali nehh, nak post entri pasal how to make a cake. Kek nehh name dy STRAWBERRY & VANILLA CHEESECAKE and usually salu jumpe kat SECRET RECEIPE :) . So, since ari tuu myra g baking class ngan Chef Zubaidah dy bg 3 resipi kek and 1 resipi brownies. So, let's cekitout! ~
For the cake- it's up to u either to buy a ready make sponge cake or to make it on ur own ;)
9 inci kek sponge -kek potong 2 (slice bwah , leper eh? jgn bhgi kek tu dri bulat smpai jd separuh bulak lak!)
300gm Anchor Whipping Cream - Non Dairy(beku)
50gm gula kastor(super fine sugar)
250gm Anchor Cream Cheese
1 biji telur
3teaspoon of Gelatin
3 sudu besar air
(Masak Double/boiler)
70gm coklat masakan - dicairkan
1 tsp strawberry emolco
300gm Anchor Whipping Cream(Pastikan beku sebelum di'whip')
1.Pukul Whipping cream sehingga keras. Ketepikan
2.Pukul telur & gula. ketepikan.
3.Dibekas yang lain pukul cream cheese sehingga gebu dan masukkan telur tadi.
4.kemudian masukkan pula gelatin dan dikacau sebati.
5.Masukkan whipping cream yang telah dipukul keras tadi.
6. Bahagikan(whipping cream) kpd 2 bhgn . 1- masukkan esen vanilla dan satu lagi masukkan coklat cair dan strawberry emolco.
okay. that's all the steps that we need. Nak buat kek ni tak senang mcm biskut taw. Actually, ada byk tips yang kena apply sblum mula buad and ples ask me dulu ye. takut nanti kek korang tak jadi pulak ;)
p/s :leave ur msg at the shout or comment box. sudi je membantu ;)
layan gamba2 kek yang sungguh scrumptious, delicious, marvellous and mouth watering!
heyya there!
Aha, entah kenapa hari ni nak blog pasal resipi jeh. hehe. padahal ngah puasa ganti tuhh. ehehe . Okelah, sebelum2 nehh myra byk post entry pasal how to make cookies kan? Kali nehh, nak post entri pasal how to make a cake. Kek nehh name dy STRAWBERRY & VANILLA CHEESECAKE and usually salu jumpe kat SECRET RECEIPE :) . So, since ari tuu myra g baking class ngan Chef Zubaidah dy bg 3 resipi kek and 1 resipi brownies. So, let's cekitout! ~
For the cake- it's up to u either to buy a ready make sponge cake or to make it on ur own ;)
9 inci kek sponge -kek potong 2 (slice bwah , leper eh? jgn bhgi kek tu dri bulat smpai jd separuh bulak lak!)
300gm Anchor Whipping Cream - Non Dairy(beku)
50gm gula kastor(super fine sugar)
250gm Anchor Cream Cheese
1 biji telur
3teaspoon of Gelatin
3 sudu besar air
(Masak Double/boiler)
70gm coklat masakan - dicairkan
1 tsp strawberry emolco
300gm Anchor Whipping Cream(Pastikan beku sebelum di'whip')
1.Pukul Whipping cream sehingga keras. Ketepikan
2.Pukul telur & gula. ketepikan.
3.Dibekas yang lain pukul cream cheese sehingga gebu dan masukkan telur tadi.
4.kemudian masukkan pula gelatin dan dikacau sebati.
5.Masukkan whipping cream yang telah dipukul keras tadi.
6. Bahagikan(whipping cream) kpd 2 bhgn . 1- masukkan esen vanilla dan satu lagi masukkan coklat cair dan strawberry emolco.
okay. that's all the steps that we need. Nak buat kek ni tak senang mcm biskut taw. Actually, ada byk tips yang kena apply sblum mula buad and ples ask me dulu ye. takut nanti kek korang tak jadi pulak ;)
p/s :leave ur msg at the shout or comment box. sudi je membantu ;)
layan gamba2 kek yang sungguh scrumptious, delicious, marvellous and mouth watering!
