Haha, masih lowm terlambat utk myra cte pasal event JOHO neh yang wat myra bertapa kat CS sampai malam. Hehe, as we all knew,previous 26 March 2011 merupakan EARTH HOUR sedunia. Myra turut support event ni taww. hehe. kat sini ade commercial posters dy.
Hee, I'm totally enthusiastic sangat nak dtg event ni sbb FYNN JAMAL perform! Ngee, excited sangat nak pegi. But, mmg lama la na kne tnggu becoz show start malam. Then, myra wif my besftren hang out dulu kat City Square. Jalan-jalan, makan-makan, movie-movie. ahaha. Tepat 8.30 kitowg sampai kat Bukit Timbalan and all the lights was off! Hee, seronoknye. bergelap but JOHO pasang candles so tempat uw terang. Ngee, excited sbb dpt tgk Aizat perform LIVE. Hehe, okayy scroll on to see the pictures caught. Credit to those JOHO clans.

Okayy. dats all yang myra pat kongsi utk korang. So far, sangat fun even ta dapat tgk Kak Fynn.
