Suka suki ☺
Been tagged by NURAIN HUSNA
Name : Amira Hanan bt Omran
Brother(S) : Mohd Amar & Mohd Amir Hakim
Sister(S): Praying to have at least one (!)
Eye colour : Dark Choc
Shoe Size : 5-6
Colour hair: Dark brown(blond la. Da ta ori)
Hair : Book cut(But dah panjang daa)
Hair : Book cut(But dah panjang daa)
Piercing : Had 0ne on both ears!
Height : 152 cm. Last updaye mase med checkup kat PLKN
What are you wearing right now : Baggy t-shirt and black legging
Where do you live: JB
Favorite Number : 7,17,22
Favorite Drink : Baru swoh ayah order . hehe. bandung soda, milo tabur, apple susu, honey dew, COOL BLOG, STARBUCKS VANILLA ICEBLENDED
Favorite month : June
Favorite Breakfast : Bubur Nasi plus kangkung,telur masin and sambal kicap. Fuhh,fuhh
What are you wearing right now : Baggy t-shirt and black legging
Where do you live: JB
Favorite Number : 7,17,22
Favorite Drink : Baru swoh ayah order . hehe. bandung soda, milo tabur, apple susu, honey dew, COOL BLOG, STARBUCKS VANILLA ICEBLENDED
Favorite month : June
Favorite Breakfast : Bubur Nasi plus kangkung,telur masin and sambal kicap. Fuhh,fuhh
Broken a bone : God, never!
Been In a police Car : Never been
Fallen for a friend : A friend fallen fer me adelaa
Fallen for a guy/girl in a short time : Yeap
Swam In the ocean : Certainly yes
Fallen asleep In school : Everyday
Broken someone's Heart : I did, sorry Kay.
Cried when someone died : Absolutely..
Sat by the phone all the night waiting for someone call : Hukhuk, pernah kut
Saved E-mails : Frankly yes, all emails and sent emails from and to ABU ZARIN BIN ZULKAFLI
Been cheated : Yeash,
Been In a police Car : Never been
Fallen for a friend : A friend fallen fer me adelaa
Fallen for a guy/girl in a short time : Yeap
Swam In the ocean : Certainly yes
Fallen asleep In school : Everyday
Broken someone's Heart : I did, sorry Kay.
Cried when someone died : Absolutely..
Sat by the phone all the night waiting for someone call : Hukhuk, pernah kut
Saved E-mails : Frankly yes, all emails and sent emails from and to ABU ZARIN BIN ZULKAFLI
Been cheated : Yeash,
Your room look a like : Heaven, sbb baru kemas. Ain na dtg mlm nehh :)
What is right beside you :A Dictionary (?)
What is the last thing you ate : Cake slices from Danish Pastry which I bought at TESCO last night
Who did you last yell : I did yell to myself.
Who was the last person you danced with : Eja :)
Who last made you smile : AHMAD FAHMI sbb wat lawak bodo. eh NURAIN HUSNA paling latest.
Who last made you smile : AHMAD FAHMI sbb wat lawak bodo. eh NURAIN HUSNA paling latest.
What are you listening to right now : Lagu kat blog ain. tatau pe namenye.
What did you do today : Surfing internet, FB-ing, cook rice,kemas rumah, sweeping
Are you the oldest : Nope
What did you do today : Surfing internet, FB-ing, cook rice,kemas rumah, sweeping
Are you the oldest : Nope
Indoors or outdoors : Both
Talk to someone you like : Not today
Kiss someone : He's not here T_T
Sing : Ade. haha, td mase nga menyapu kat lua. Nyanyi lagu PARAMORE.
Talk to an Ex : Not today. hhaha
Miss someone? : Of course i miss my boyfriend T_T
Eat : Yes, I did
Kiss someone : He's not here T_T
Sing : Ade. haha, td mase nga menyapu kat lua. Nyanyi lagu PARAMORE.
Talk to an Ex : Not today. hhaha
Miss someone? : Of course i miss my boyfriend T_T
Eat : Yes, I did
You talked on the phone to : Amirul Ex-scndal
Made you cry : Cikgu Fizaaaaa. Rindu la PLKN
You went to the mall with : Eja and My boyfriend
You went to the mall with : Eja and My boyfriend
Who cheered you up : Cikgu Fizaaa
Been to Mexico? : Nope
Been to USA? : Never been la.
Have a crush on someone : YES
What books are you reading right now : Cooking books!
Best feeling in the world : Keluar shopping,ketawa
Future kids name : Lelaki Akid Zafran, Akif Rayyan Pompuan Qaisara Hana, Arisha Ariana
Do you sleep with a stuffed animal : Sort of,
What's under your bed : God knows,haha
Favourite sports : hand ball, netball, volleyball
Favorite place : CS, cineplex
Who do you really hate : backstabbers, certain foes from my primary sch years
Do you have a job : Nope..
What time is it now : 6.47 p.m
What books are you reading right now : Cooking books!
Best feeling in the world : Keluar shopping,ketawa
Future kids name : Lelaki Akid Zafran, Akif Rayyan Pompuan Qaisara Hana, Arisha Ariana
Do you sleep with a stuffed animal : Sort of,
What's under your bed : God knows,haha
Favourite sports : hand ball, netball, volleyball
Favorite place : CS, cineplex
Who do you really hate : backstabbers, certain foes from my primary sch years
Do you have a job : Nope..
What time is it now : 6.47 p.m
tag to edayah zaid, azilah aziz, kak ayu.
