Diploma.Diploma. Haishh

ahaa, aq tnga pening nehh. aq na amek bidang pe nehh. aigoo, pening siod. ader yang kate Hotel Management susah. haishh. Help me then! haha
<------- Diploma of Hotel Management
neh pilihan pertama aq. then ade org yg lebih experienced i think( dri gaya dy bgtau) ni sgt susa ouhh. haishh kne pkir dua tiga kali neh.
a three-year programme, designed to provide basic skills and knowledge of the hospitality operations. Special emphasis is given to the operations of major departments of the hotel, namely: the front office, the food and beverage and housekeeping. The faculty is equipped with various types of kitchens, restaurants and a commercial hotel on campus as its training facilities. Another training facility available in the faculty is the front office integrated systems. Graduates of this programme have a choice of either to start a career or to pursue a degree programme in a related field or other fields.
Programme StructureThe programme runs on a six-semester system and covers 110 credit hours. Included in the fifth semester is an 18 week internship at our very own hotel as well as other hotels of good rating in terms of training facilities.
SPM with at least five (5) credits, including English and Mathematics, Bahasa Melayu and two (2) other subjects or an equivalent
This is a three year programme, designed to provide basic skills and knowledge of the overall tourism industry. Special emphasis is given to the major operations of the traveling business. The faculty is equipped with ABACUS training facilities. Graduates of this programme have a choice of either to start a career in the tourism industry or to pursue a degree programme in a related field or other fields.
Programme Structure
The Diploma in Tourism Management programme runs on a six semester system and covers 110 credit points of required courses and electives. Included in the fifth semester is an 18 week internship at a reputable and established travel bureau, public tourism department or a resort.ENTRY REQUIREMENTS
SPM with at least five (5) credits, including English and Mathematics, Bahasa Melayu and two (2) other subjects or an equivalent
aha, neh lagi satu coz pilihan aq. Anyway, aq kne pertimbangkn dulu. mne satu tapi yang plaing utame. Aku akan pilih UiTM! Hopefully aq dpt ke sana AMINN!